Eductor Dredge in full flow  
This home-made eductor dredge is built around a 32cc 2-stroke brush-cutter engine, coupled to a marvellous little centrifugal jetting pump made of graphite-reinforced plastic. The pump will lift 60 gallons per minute (yes, that's one and a half 44-gallon drums-full of high-pressure water every 60 seconds!) This little marvel pushes 4 cubic metres of gravel over the riffle-tray every hour, which can be quite productive in good ground. The best success has come from 'prospecting' a mate's exploration lease on the McKinlay River south-east of Darwin, shown in the lower photos. The photo above was taken during the testing phase, at which time we were even able to pull a lovely tail of flour-gold out of an ephemeral stream right in the middle of Howard Springs!
  Hard at work  
  Hard at work in the McKinlay River north of Pine Creek  
  Eductor Dredge  
  Close-up of Eductor Dredge with the Spoils!